Love it or hate it, introvert or extrovert, shunned or welcomed - community is an essential part of being human. 

But, is it really?? YES, it is. 'YES' is the loud, resounding, surprisingly final answer to the question of if we needed community. Here are over 10 things we can show up for our community and 6 ways we can build our community. 

From the pandemic to the several wars we've lived through, finding our own community has been the work we've been collectively called to do.

How we can show up

  1. Get Online Friends
  2. Engage with People Online
  3. Post
  4. Get Involved with Your Neighborhood
    1. Build a community garden
    2. Start an ongoing conversation with book clubs, neighborhood chats, magazines
    3. Time banks and share your skills and host an exchange for others to learn 
    4. Volunteering
  5. Spend time with your family
    1. Parent/guardian & child time
    2. Babysitting Co-Op
    3. Attend after school & extracurricular activities
    4. Parent Teacher Associations
  6. At work & own community outreach
    1. Attend and host events
    2. Charity events to spread awareness

How we can build a community

  • Build community around the mission "we before me & embrace a larger purpose"
  • Start with one person "to thine own-self be true" and let their inner self shine and be appreciated
  • Make every person feel special and heard "luck is when preparation meets opportunity" When each skill is recognized, you can cultivate an efficient movement
  • Build the community for each other "change the way things are"
  • Create a conversation platform "embrace discomfort" 
  • Grow steadily "fail fast and fail forward"


Here is the duality in life, it's both tough and easy to find people to connect with online and in person. Social media and technology has made connections more likelier and possible but let's not take this boon and overcompensate. We, humans, are inherently and unarguably connected to nature, and we are an extension of nature. We've lost a lot of in person communication and let's bring back that community in this new age of technology. 

No matter how short or long your social battery is, community is how we get our needs met. We are so complex as human beings and to be able to feel the myriad of expressions of living is truly magical. Let's get out there an have fun - in our own ways. 


Much love, 

Sasha J

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